Die Erst-Autorenschaft ist jeweils durch Fettdruck hervorgehoben
Kreppel, H., Reichl, F.X., und Forth, W., (1987)
Säureaufschluß biologischer Proben – Methodenvergleich und Fehlersuche.
In : Welz, B. ( Hrsg.), 4. CAS-Colloquium Atomspektrometrische Spurenanalytik, 6.4.-9.4. 1987, Konstanz, BRD; Seite: 359-368. Überlingen
Kreppel, H., Reichl, F.X., und Forth, W., (1987)
Quantitative Bestimmung verschiedener Arsenverbindungen mittels Hydrid-AAS nach Auftrennung durch HPLC.
In : Welz, B. ( Hrsg.), 4. CAS-Colloquium Atomspektrometrische Spurenanalytik, 6.4.-9.4. 1987, Konstanz, BRD; Seite: 587-592. Überlingen
Reichl, F.X., Szinicz, L., Kreppel, H., Fichtl, B.,and Forth, W., (1988)
Effect of arsenic on mitochondrial metabolism after single orrepeated injection in guinea pigs.
In: Brätter, P., Schrammel, P. (eds.):
Trace Element Analytical Chemistry in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 5, pp. 581-586
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York
Reichl, F.X., Szinicz, L., Kreppel, H., and Forth, W. (1988)
Effect of arsenic on carbohydrate metabolism after single or repeated injection in guinea pigs.
Arch. Toxicol. 62, pp. 473-475
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
Fichtl, B., Kreppel, H., Reichl, F.X., and Forth, W., (1988)
Lack of effectiveness of D-penicillamine in acute experimental arsenic poisoning.
2ndIntern. Sympos. Chelating Agents, 12.8-14.8. 1988, Pilsen, CSFR.
Pilsen. lêk. Sborn., Suppl. 56, pp. 85-87.
Kreppel, H., Kolb, K., Reichl, F.X., Fichtl, B., and Forth, W., (1988)
Pretreatment with low doses of cadmium or zinc decreases lethality in mice acutely poisoned with arsenic.
In : Brätter, P., Schrammel, P. (eds.): Trace Element Analytical Chemistry in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 5, pp. 594-600
Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York
Reichl, F.X., Szinicz, L., Kreppel, H. and Forth, W. (1989)
Effect of arsenic on cellular meatabolism after single or repeated injection in guinea pigs.
In: Chambers/Chambers/Greim (eds.) Biological monitoring of exposure and the response at the subcellular level to toxic substances.
Arch. Toxicol., Suppl. 13, pp. 363-365
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
Reichl, F.X., Szinicz, L., Kreppel, H. and Forth, W. (1989)
Effects on mitochondrial metabolism in livers of guinea pigs after a single or repeated injection of As2O3.
Arch. Toxicol. 63, pp. 419-422
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
Reichl, F.X., Szinicz, L., Kreppel, H. und Forth, W. (1989)
Beeinflussung des Leberstoffwechsels beim Meerschweinchen nach einmaliger und mehrmaliger As2O3-Gabe.
In: Welz, B. (Hrsg.), 5. CAS-Colloquium Atomspektrometrische Spurenanalytik 3.4.-7.4. 1989, Konstanz, BRD; Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer GMbH, Überlingen, Seite 799-807.
Reichl, F.X., Kreppel, H., Szinicz, L., Fichtl, B., Forth W. (1989)
Effect of glucose in mice after acute experimental poisoning with As2O3.
6th International Trace Element Symposium.3.7.-6.7., Jena, German Democratic RepublicAnke, M., Baumann, W., Bräunlich, H., Brückner C., Goppel, B., and Grün, M. (eds), Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig, FriedrichSchiller-Universität Jena, Verlagsabteilung der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 4, pp 1025-1031.
Reichl, F.X., Mückter, H., Kreppel, H., Fichtl, B., and Forth, W. (1989)
Effect of metal binding agents on biliary excretion of arsenic in perfused livers of guinea pigs after repeated As2O3 injections.
6th International Trace Element Symposium.3.7.-6.7., Jena, German Democratic Republic
Anke, M., Baumann, W., Bräunlich, H., Brückner C., Goppel, B., and Grün, M (eds), Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Verlagsabteilung der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 4, pp 1032-1038.
Kreppel, H., Reichl, F.X., Forth, W. and Fichtl, B., (1989)
Lack of effectiveness of D-penicillamine in experimental arsenic poisoning.
Veterinary and Human Toxicology 31, No. 1, pp. 1-5
Kreppel, H., Reichl, F.X. und Forth, W. (1989)
Spezifizierung von Arsenverbindungen biologischer Proben mittels HPLC und Hydrid-Technik.
5. Colloquium Atomspektrometrische Spurenanalytik
3.4.-7.4. 1989, Konstanz, BRD; Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer GmbH , Überlingen, Seite: 439-448.
Kreppel, H., Knebel, R., Reichl, F.X., Fichtl, B., Mückter, H.,and Forth, W. (1989)
Influence of dithiol compounds and the newly synthetized compound 2,3-bis(acetylthio)- propanesilfonamide on tissue content and elimination of arsenic in mice.
6th International Trace Element Symposium,.3.7.-6.7., Jena, German Democratic Republic
Anke, M., Baumann, W., Bräunlich, H., Brückner C., Goppel, B., and Grün, M. (eds), Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig, FriedrichSchiller-Universität Jena, Verlagsabteilung der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 4, pp 1046-1052.
Kreppel, H., Reichl, F.X., Mückter, H., Fichtl, B., Forth, W. (1989)
Influence of oral treatment with dithio compounds on the survival rate of mice poisoned with arsenic.
6th International Trace Element Symposium, 3.7.-6.7., Jena, German Democratic Republic
Anke, M., Baumann, W., Bräunlich, H., Brückner C., Goppel, B., and Grün, M. (eds), Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Verlagsabteilung der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 4, pp 1039-1045.
Reichl, F.X., Kreppel H., Szinicz L., Mückter, H., Fichtl, B., Schümann K., and Forth, W. (1990)
Effect of chelating agents on biliary excretion of arsenic in perfused livers of guinea pigs pretreated with As2O3.
Veterinary and Human Toxicology 32, No 3: pp 223-226
Reichl, F.X., Szinicz, L., Kreppel, H., Fichtl, B.,Forth, W. (1990)
Effect of glucose in mice after acute experimental poisoning with arsenic trioxide (As2O3).
Arch. Toxicol. 64, 336-338
Reichl, F.X., Kreppel, H., Szinicz, L., Mückter, H., Fichtl, B., Schümann, K., and Forth, W. (1990)
Mobilisation of arsenic in livers of guinea pigs after repeated treatment with As2O3 by perfusion with various chelators. Selected papers from 1st International Symposium on oral chelation in the treatment of thalassaemia and other diseases. Royal Free Hospital School of Medicine, 2.11.89-4.11.1989, London, UK. Publication in the proceedings of the Satellite Symposium to the 3rd International Symposium on chelating agents in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, Pilsen (CSFR), 10.7.-13.7.1990.
Pilsen. lêk. Sborn., Suppl. 62, 277-279.
Reichl, F.X., Kreppel, H., Szinicz, L., Mückter, H., Fichtl, B., and Forth, W., (1990)
Effect of antidotes on pyruvate metabolism in perfused livers of guinea pigs after repeated As2O3 injections.
3rd Intern. Sympos. Chelating Agents, 10.7-13.7. 1990, Pilsen, CSFR.
Pilsen. lêk. Sborn., Suppl. 62, 79-80.
Kreppel, H., Reichl, F.X., Fichtl, B., Szinicz, L., and Forth, W. (1990)
Efficacy of various dithiol compounds in acute As2O3 poisoning in mice.
Arch. Toxicol. 64: 387-392
Kreppel, H., Reichl, F.X., and Forth, W. (1990)
Influence of dimercaptopropanol (BAL), dimercaptopropanesulfonamide (DMPS), dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), and D-penicillamine (D-PA) on the element content of various organs of the guinea pig.
Mengen und Spurenelemente. 10. Arbeitstagung. 17. und 18. 12. 1990, Leipzig.
Anke, M., Brückner, C., Goppel, B., Gürtler, H., Grün, M., Lombeck, I., Schneider, H.J., (eds), Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Verlagsabteilung der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, 1: pp 9-15.
Kreppel, H., Reichl, F.X., Mückter, H., Fichtl, B., and Forth, W. (1990)
Influence of oral treatment with dithio compounds on the survival rate of mice poisoned with arsenic.
Proc. III. Int. Chelation Conference, 19.-22.7.1989, Washington DC, USA.
Kreppel, H., F.X. Reichl, Szinicz, L., Hunder G., Forth, W., Fichtl, B. (1990)
Arsenic content in organs of mice acutely poisoned with arsenic trioxide and treated with BAL, DMPS, or DMSA.
3rd Intern. Sympos. Chelating Agents, 10.7-13.7. 1990, Pilsen, CSFR.
Pilsen. lêk. Sborn., Suppl. 62, 57-58.
Schäfer, B., Kreppel, H., F.X. Reichl, Fichtl, B., Forth, W. (1990)
Influence of oral treatment with BAL, DMPS, or DMSA on the arsenic content in organs of mice injected s.c. with arsenic trioxide.
Eurotox 1991, Kongreß in Leipzig vom 12.9.-14.9.1990
Arch. Toxicol., Suppl. 14, pp. 228-230
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
Reichl, F.X., Kreppel, H., and Forth, W. (1991)
Pyruvate and lactate metabolism in livers of guinea pigs perfused with chelating agents after repeated treatment with As2O3.
Arch. Toxicol. 65, 235-238
Reichl, F.X., Szinicz, L., Kreppel, H., Fichtl, B., and Forth, W. (1991)
Effect of glucose treatment on carbohydrate content in various organs in mice after acute As2O3 poisoning.
Vet. Hum. Toxicol., 33 (3), 230-235
Reichl, F.X., Kreppel, H., Szinicz, L., Fichtl, B., Forth, W. (1991)
Reduction of As2O3 toxicity in mice by repeated treatment with glucose.
Eurotox 1990, Kongreß in Leipzig vom 12.9.-14.9.1990
Arch. Toxicol., Suppl. 14, 225-227.
Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
Reichl, F.X., Kreppel, H. Mückter, H., Fichtl, B. und Forth W. (1991)
Einfluß von Chelatoren auf die biliäre Ausscheidung von Arsen in isoliert perfundierten Meerschweinchen-Lebern nach einer Einzelinjektion mit Arsentrioxyd.
In: Welz, B. (Hrsg.), 6. CAS-Colloquium Atomspektrometrische Spurenanalytik 8.4.-12.4. 1991, Konstanz, BRD; Bodenseewerk Perkin-Elmer GMbH, Überlingen, Seite 895-903.
Reichl, F.X., Mückter, H., Kreppel, H., and Forth, W. (1992)
Effect of various antidotes on biliary excretion of arsenic in perfused livers of guinea pigs after acute experimental poisoning with As2O3.
Pharm. Toxicol. 70, 352-356
Schümann, K., Elsenhans, B., Reichl, F.X., Pfob, H., Wurster, K.H. (1993)
Does intake of highly demineralized water damage the rat gastrointestinal tract?
Veterinary and Human Toxicology 35: No. 1, pp. 28-31
Kreppel, H., Paepcke, U., Thiermann, H., Szinicz, L., H., Reichl, F.X., Singh, P.K., Jones, M.M. (1993)
Therapeutic efficacy of new dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) analogues in acute arsenic trioxide poisoning in mice.
Arch. Toxicol., 67: 580 – 585
Kreppel, H., Liu, J., Liu, Y., Baumann, J.W., Reichl, F.X., Klaassen, C.D. (1993)
Effect of arsenic on the metallothionein (MT) content and effect of MT inducers on the arsenic toxicity in mice.
Trace Elements in Man and Animals – TEMA 8, 1: 938 – 942
Anke, M., Meissner, D., Mills, C.F. (eds.) Friedrich Schiller University, Institute for Nutrition and Environment, Jena, Germany. Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Diagnosis, Dresden-Friedrichstadt Hospital, Dresden, Germany. Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK.
Verlag Media Touristik
Reichl, F.X., Kreppel, H., Szinicz, L., Mückter, H., Fichtl, B., Forth, W. (1994)
Effect of various antidotes on the biliary and intestinal excretion of arsenic in situ and into the feces in-vivo in guinea-pigs after injection of As2O3.
Arch. Toxicol. 69 (1), 35 – 39
Reichl, F.X. (1994)
Zahnfüllungen aus Amalgam – tickende Zeitbomben ?
Münch. Med. Wschr., 136 (48): 31
Kreppel, H., Liu, J., Liu, Y., Reichl, F.X., Klaassen, C.D. (1994)
Zinc-induced arsenite tolerence in mice
Fund. Appl. Toxicol., 23: 32 – 37
Reichl, F.X., Hunder, G. Liebl, B., Fichtl, B., Forth, W. (1995)
Effect of DMPS and various adsorbents on the arsenic excretion in guinea-pigs after injection with As2O3.
Arch. Tox. 69 (10): 712-717
Liebl, B., Mückter, H., Doklea, E., Reichl, F.X., Fichtl, B., Forth, W. (1995)
Influence of glucose on the toxicity of oxophenylarsine in MDCK cells.
Arch. Toxicol., 69 (6): 421-424
Reichl, F.X., Kreppel, H., Wigger, K., Kauth, I., Liebl, B., Hunder, G., Forth, W. (1996)
Effect of DMPS and colestipol on fecal excretion of arsenic in guinea-pigs after injection with As2O3.
5th International Symposium on Chelating Agents in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, Pilsen (Czech Republic), 31.07.96 – 04.08.1996; and 7th International Conference Oral Chelation in the Treatment of Thallassaemia and Other Diseases, Pilsen, (Czech Republic).
Plzen Lek Sborn, Suppl.: 71, pp 103 – 104
Reichl, F.X., Wigger, K., Kreppel, H., Kauth, I., Liebl, B., Nguyen, T., Schümann, K., Strugala, G., Forth, W. (1996)
Effect of dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) and the adsorbent colestyramine on fecal and urinary excretion of arsenic in guinea pigs after injection with As2O3 or phenylarsenoxide (PhAsO).
Exp. Toxic. Pathol., Suppl. II: 48, pp 328-333
Kreppel, H., Szinicz, L., Reichl, F.X., Singh, P.K., Jones, M.M. (1996)
Alternatives to BAL therapy in arsenical agent poisoning
International Review of the Armed Forces Medical Services, Vol. LXIX: 32-39
Kauth, I., Kreppel, H., Reichl, F.X., Wigger, K., Forth, W., Singh, P.K., Jones,M.M. (1996)
New Dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) analogues in experimental s.c. poisoning with arsenite.
5th International Symposium on Chelating Agents in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, Pilsen (Czech Republic), 31.07.96 – 04.08.1996; and 7th International Conference Oral Chelation in the Treatment of Thallassaemia and Other Diseases, Pilsen, (Czech Republic)
Plzen, Lek, Sborn, Suppl.: 71, pp. 37 – 38
Kreppel, H., Kauth, I., Reichl, F.X., Wigger, K., Forth, W., Singh, P.K., Jones, M.M. (1996)
Experimental oral arsenite poisoning and antidotal efficacy of new dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA) analogues.
5th International Symposium on Chelating Agents in Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics, Pilsen (Czech Republic), 31.07.96 – 04.08.1996; and 7th International Conference Oral Chelation in the Treatment of Thallassaemia and Other Diseases, Pilsen, (Czech Republic)
Plzen, Lek, Sborn, Suppl.: 71, pp. 39 – 40
Haeser, C., Kehe, K., Flohe, S., Hannemann, M., Kraus, M., Reichl, F.X., Kreppel, H., Szinicz, L. (1996)
Decontamination of experimental 2-chlorovinyldichloroarsine (lewisite) induced skin lesions.
Exp. Toxic. Pathol., Suppl II, 48: pp 170-174
Mückter, H., Liebl, B., Reichl, F.X., Hunder, G., Walther, U., Fichtl, B. (1997)
Are we ready to replace dimercaprol (BAL) as an arsenic antidote?
Human and Experimental Toxicology, 16: 460 – 465
Reichl, F.X., Wigger, K., Kreppel, H., Durner, J., Schümann, K., Singh, P., Jones, M.M., Forth, W. (1998)
Effect of new synthesized antidotes on the biliary and enteric excretion of arsenic in guinea pigs after injection with oxophenylarsine (PhAsO).
In: Mengen und Spurenelemente (Anke, M., Arnhold, W. Bergmann, H., Hrsg)
Harald Schubert Verlag, Leipzig, pp 17-23.
Kreppel, H., Kauth I., Reichl, F.X., Wigger, K., Singh, P.K., Jones, M.M. (1998)
Arsenelimination nach experimenteller Arsenvergiftung und Therapie mit verschiedenen Dithiolen.
In: Mengen und Spurenelemente (Anke, M., Arnhold, W. Bergmann, H., Hrsg)
Harald Schubert Verlag, Leipzig, pp 646-653.
Reichl, F.X., Durner, J., Mückter, H., Elsenhans, B., Forth, W., Kunzelmann, K.H., Hickel, R., Spahl, W., Hume, W.R., Moes, G.W. (1999)
Effect of dental materials on gluconeogenesis in rat kidney tubules.
Arch. Toxicol. 73: 381-386
Halbach, S., Hickel, R., Meiners, H., Ott, K., Reichl, F.X., Schiele, R., Schmalz, G., Staehle, J. (1999)
Amalgam im Spiegel kritischer Auseindersetzungen. Institut der Deutschen Zahnärzte (Hrsg.) Deutscher Ärzte-Verlag, Köln.
Walther, S., Walther, U.I., Kehe, H., Durner, J., Reichl, F.X., Hickel, R. (1999)
Zytotoxische Wirkungen verschiedener Zahnfüllungsmaterialien auf Lungenzellen.
In: Mengen und Spurenelemente (Anke, M., Arnhold, W. Bergmann, H., Hrsg)
Harald Schubert Verlag, Leipzig, pp 387-394
Kehe, H., Durner, J., Walther, S., Walther, U., Reichl, F.X., Forth, W., Hickel, R. (1999)
Zytotoxizität von Zahnmaterialien auf pulmonale Zellen in vitro.
In: Mengen und Spurenelemente (Anke, M., Arnhold, W. Bergmann, H., Hrsg)
Harald Schubert Verlag, Leipzig, pp 381-386
Durner, J., Reichl, F.X., Kehe, H., Moes, G.W., Walther, S., Walther, U., Kreppel, H., Forth, W., Hickel, R. (1999)
Vergleichende Untersuchung der biliären und enteralen Ausscheidung von HgCl2, MeHgCl und TEGDMA beim Meerschweinchen.
In: Mengen und Spurenelemente (Anke, M., Arnhold, W. Bergmann, H., Hrsg)
Harald Schubert Verlag, Leipzig, pp 373-380
Reichl, F.X., Durner, J., Walther, U.I., Walther, S., Kehe, K., Kreppel, H., Forth, W., Manhart, J., Kunzelmann, K.H., Hickel, R. (2000)
Vergleichende biologische Clearance von HgCl2, CH3HgCl, HEMA und TEGDMA beim Meerschweinchen. In: Mengen und Spurenelemente (Anke, M., Arnhold, W. Bergmann, H., Hrsg), Schubert-Verlag, Leipzig, pp 381-388
Walther, U.I., Schneider, S.M., Müller, C., Schmelzle, M., Schwub, D., Gerlich, A., Reichl, F.X., Walther, S.C. (2000)
Erhöhte Aufnahme von Zink in verschiedene Lungenzellen nach Vorbehandlung mit Hydrocortison. In: Mengen und Spurenelemente (Anke, M., Arnhold, W. Bergmann, H., Hrsg), Schubert-Verlag, Leipzig, pp 422-428
Reichl F.X., Walther U., Durner J., Kehe K., Hickel R., Kunzelmann K.H., Spahl W., Hume W.R., Benschop H., Forth W. (2001)
Cytotoxicity of dental composite components and mercury compounds in lung cells.
Dental Materials, 17: 95-101
Kehe K., Reichl F.X., Durner J., Walther, U., Hickel, R., Forth W. (2001)
Cytotoxicity of dental composite components and mercury compounds in pulmonary cell lines.
Biomaterials, 22(4): 317-322
Reichl F.X., Durner J., Kunzelmann K.H., Hickel R., Spahl W., Hume W.R., Moes G.W., Kehe K., Walther U., Forth W. (2001)
Biological clearance of TEGDMA in guinea pigs.
Arch Toxicol. 75: 22-27
Kehe K., Flohe S., Kreppel H., Krebs G., Reichl F.X., Liebl B., Szinicz L. (2001)
Effects of Lewisite on Cell Membrane Integrity and Energy Metabolism in Human Keratinocytes and SCL II Cells.
Toxicology, 163(2-3): 137-144
Reichl F.X., Durner J., Hickel R., Kunzelmann K.H., Jewett, A., Wang, M.Y., Spahl W., Kreppel, H., Moes G.W., Kehe K., Walther U., Forth W., Hume W.R. (2001)
Distribution and excretion of TEGDMA in guinea pigs and mice.
J Dent Res, 80(5): 1412-1415
Reichl F.X., Durner J., Walther U.I., Walther S.C., Kehe K., Forth W., Hickel R. (2001)
Cytotoxicity of various dental materials, mercury compounds, gold particles and a gold chelating agent in lung cells.
Biomarkers and Environment, 4(1): 103-106
Walther S.C., Walther U.I., Reichl F.X., Mückter H. (2001)
Efficiency of complexing compounds in reversion of zinc-mediated toxic reactions in lung cells.
Biomarkers and Environment, 4(1): 107-110
Reichl F.X., Durner J., Manhart, J., Spahl W., Gempel K., Kehe K., Liebl B., Walther U.I., Hume W.R, Hickel R. (2002)
Biological clearance of HEMA in guinea pigs.
Biomaterials, 23: 2135-2141
Walther, U.I., Reichl F.X., Liebl, B., Walther, S.C., Nilius, M., Kehe K., Hickel, R. (2002)
Cytotoxicity of various ingredients of dental materials and related compounds in lung cell lines.
J Biomed Mater Res 63: 643-649
Reichl, F.X., Kreppel H., Kehe, K., Folwaczny, M., Kleinsasser, N., Schramm, K.-W., Kettrup, A., Hickel, R. (2002)
Zur Toxikologie von Quecksilber aus Zahnamalgam. In: Macro and Trace Elements (Anke, M., Müller R., Schäfer U., Stoeppler M.; Hrsg), Schubert-Verlag, Leipzig, pp 1128-1133
Bahnemann, I.,Emmler, J., Kehe, K., Reichl, F.X., Folwaczny, M., Hickel, R. (2002)
Aktivierung von Caspase 3/7 und lysosomaler Enzyme in A549 durch dentale Kompositwerkstoffe und Quecksilberverbindungen. In: Macro and Trace Elements (Anke, M., Müller R., Schäfer U., Stoeppler M.; Hrsg), Schubert-Verlag, Leipzig, pp 1134-1139
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Time-dependent cytotoxicity of dental composite components in A549 cells. In: Macro and Trace Elements (Anke, M., Müller R., Schäfer U., Stoeppler M.; Hrsg), Schubert-Verlag, Leipzig, pp 1140-1145
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Uptake, clearance and metabolism of TEGDMA in guinea pig.
Dental Materials, 18: 581-589
Reichl F.X, Durner J., Kehe K., Manhart J., Folwaczny M., Kleinsasser N., Hume W. Hickel R., (2002)
Toxicokinetic of HEMA in guinea pigs.
J Dentistry 30: 353-358
Reichl F.X, Durner J., Folwaczny M., Kehe K., Kleinsasser N., Schwarz M., El-Mahdy K., Hickel R. (2003)
Synergistic effect of H2O2 with components of dental restorative materials on gluconeogenesis in rat kidney tubules.
Biomaterials 24(11): 1909-1916
Reichl F.X. (2003)
Toxikologie zahnärztlicher Restaurationsmaterialien.
Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen, April 2003, Nr. 7, 74-80
Walther U.I., Siagian I.I., Walther S.C., Reichl F.X., Hickel R. (2004)
Antioxidative vitamins decrease cytotoxicity of HEMA and TEGDMA in cultured cell lines.
Arch. Oral Biol., 49(2): 125-131
Seiss, M., Esters, M., Simon, S., Hickel, R., Kehe, K., Reichl, F.X. (2004)
Vergleichende Untersuchungen zur Zytotoxizität von Zahnmaterialien auf Gingiva-fibroblasten in vitro (Anke, M., Flachwsky, G., Kisters, K., Schäfer, U., Schenkel, H., Seifert, M., Stoeppler M.; Hrsg), Schubert-Verlag, Leipzig, pp 1352-1356
Kleinsasser N.H., Wallner B.C., Ulrich A., Harréus U.A., Kleinjung T., Folwaczny M., Hickel R., Kehe K, Reichl F.X. (2004)
Genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of dental materials in human lymphocytes as assessed by the single cell microgel electrophoresis (comet) assay.
J. Dentistry, 32: 229-234
Esters, M, Simon S., Kehe K., Seiss M., El-Mahdy K., Haffner C., Hickel R., Manhart J., Walther U., Reichl F.X. (2004)
XTT-Test mit Zahnrestaurationsmaterialien an humanen Gingivazellen.
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Oliveira Mamede L.F., Walther U., El-Mahdy K., Haffner C., Kehe K., Seiss M., Hickel R., Folwaczny M., Reichl F.X. (2004)
Cytotoxizität von (Ko)Monomeren an primären humanen Gingiva- und Pulpafibroblasten.
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In vitro embryotoxicity assessment with dental restorative materials.
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KleinsasserNH, Schmid K, Sassen AW, Harréus UA, Staudenmaier R, Folwaczny M, Glas J, Reichl FX (2006)
Cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of resin monomers in human salivary gland tissue and lymphocytes as assessed by the single cell microgel electrophoresis (comet) assay.
Biomaterials, 27(9):1762-1770
Reichl FX, Esters M, Simon S, Seiss M, Kehe K, Kleinsasser N, Folwaczny M, Glas J.,
Hickel R. (2006)
Cell death effects of resin-based dental material compounds and mercurials in human gingival fibroblasts.
Arch Toxicol, 80: 370-377
Reichl FX, Simon S, Esters M, Seiss M, Kehe K, Kleinsasser N, Hickel R. (2006)
Cytotoxicity of dental composite (co)monomers and the amalgam component Hg2+ in human gingival fibroblasts.
Arch Toxicol, 80: 465-472
Seiss M., Nitz S., Kleinsasser N., Buters J.T.M., Behrendt H., Hickel R., Reichl F.X. (2007)
Identification of 2,3-epoxymethacrylic acid as a product of methacrylic acid metabolism by human liver microsomes.
Dental Materials, 23: 9-16
Kappos A, von Mühlendahl KE, Nowak D, Schwenk M, Wilhelm M, Harhammer R, Heidemann D, Reichl FX, Schweinsberg F, Halbach S, Hickel R (2007)
Amalgam: Stellungnahme aus umweltmedizinischer Sicht. Mitteilung der Kommission „Methoden und Qualitätssicherung in der Umweltmedizin“. Empfehlung des Robert Koch Instituts, Berlin.Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz, 50: 1304 – 1307. DOI 10.1007/s00103-007-0338-z; online publiziert am 05.10.2007; Springer Medizin Verlag, Berlin
Kappos A, von Mühlendahl KE, Nowak D, Schwenk M, Wilhelm M, Harhammer R, Heidemann D, Reichl FX, Schweinsberg F, Halbach S, Hickel R (2007)
Entgegenung der RKI-Kommission „Methoden und Qualitätssicherung in der Umweltmedizin“ zum vorstehenden Sondervotum von Prof. Dr. Daschner und Dr. Mutter: Mitteilung der Kommission „Methoden und Qualitätssicherung in der Umweltmedizin“, Empfehlung des Robert Koch Instituts, Berlin. Bundesgesundheitsblatt – Gesundheitsforschung – Gesundheitsschutz, 50: 1434 – 1435, DOI 10.1007/s00103-007-0389-0; online publiziert am 07.11.2007; Springer Medizin Verlag, Berlin
Schmid K., Sassen A.W., Staudenmaier R., Krömer S., Reichl F.X., Harréus U.A., Kleinsasser N.H. (2007)
Mercuric dichloride induces DNA damage in human salivary gland tissue cells and lymphocytes. Arch Toxicol, 81 (11): 759 – 767
Reichl FX
Blitzschlag, Terror, Rauchen – vom Risiko und dessen Akzeptanz.
Umweltmedizin in Forschung und Praxis.
In: Organ der Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Umweltmedizin und Präventivmedizin GHUP / Society of Hygiene, Environmental and Public Health Sciences (Hrsg.: T. Eikmann, J. Angerer, D. Eis, E. v. Mühlendahl, H.E. Wichmann, M. Wilhelm), Ecomed Medizin, Verlagsgruppe Hüthig, Jehle, Rehm, Landsberg, Germany; 12 (6): 367 – 373
Reichl FX, Seisss M, Marquardt W, Kleinsasser N, Schweickl H, Kehe K, Hickel R, (2008)
Toxicity potention by H2O2 with components of dental restorative materials on human oral cells.
Arch Texicol 82:21-28
Reichl FX (2008)
Toxikologie der Fluoridverbindungen, 7. Internationaler Coethener Erfahrungsaustausch (ICE 7) (8.-10.11.2007 in Köthen, Anhalt); Mit Homöopathie alt werden und jung bleiben. Prävention und Geriatrie in der homöopathischen Wissenschaft und Praxis.
Hrsg: Gerhard Bleul, Christine Doppler und Lars Broder Stange. Schriftenreihe des Europäischen Instituts für Homöopathie (InHom). Seite 67-72. http://www.dzvhae.com/portal/loader.php?navigation=43448&org=36300&seite=43508
Reichl F.X., Seiss M., KleinsasserN., Kehe K., Kunzelmann K.H., Thomas P., Spahl W., Hickel R (2008)
Distribution and Excretion of Dental Composite Component BisGMA in Guinea Pigs.
J Dent Res, 87(4): 378-380
J. Emmler; M. Seiss; H. Kreppel; F.X. Reichl; R. Hickel; K. Kehe (2008)
Cytotoxicity of the dental composite component TEGDMA and selected metabolic by-products in human pulmonary cells.
Dental Materials, 24(12): 1670-1675
Marquardt W, Seiss M, Spahl W, Hickel R, Reichl FX (2008)
Determination of volatile methacrylates in dental laboratories.
Quintessence Journal of Dental Technology 6(1): 20-28
Reichl FX (2008)
Teufel oder Beelzebub?
Auch Kompositkunststoffe bergen Gefahren für die Gesundheit.
Kosmos Natur (Zeitschrift), erschienen im Dez. 2008.
Interview durch Dr. Bernhard Albrecht, Wissenschaftsjournalist
Seiss M., Marquardt W., Hickel R., Reichl F.X. (2009)
Excretion of dental resin monomers and metabolic intermediates via urine in guinea pigs.
Dental Materials 25(4):481-485
Eckhardt A, HarorliT, LimtanyakulJ, HillerKA, BoslC, BolayC, ReichlFX, SchmalzG, SchweiklH (2009)
Inhibition of cytokines and surface antigen expression in LPS-stimulated murine macrophages by triethylene glycol dimethacrylate
Biomaterials, 30(9):1665-74.
Hickel R., Watts D., Reichl FX, Ilie N (2009)
Are composites at the end of development? Requirements of clinicians versus technical possibilities
In: Statements. Diagnostic and therapy in dental medicine today and in the future.
Roulet JF and Kappert HF (eds.). Quintessenz Verlags-GmbH, Berlin: p 209-219.
Durner J, Kreppel H, ZaspelJ, Schweikl H, Hickel R, Reichl FX (2009)
The toxicokinetics and distribution of 2-hydroxyethylmethacrylate in mice.
Biomaterials, 30(11): 2066-71 (IF = 6,0)
Marquardt W., Seiss M., Hickel, R., Reichl F.X. (2009)
Volatile Methacrylates in Dental Practices
J Adhesive Dentistry 11(2), 101-107
Reichl FX, Thomas P. (2009)
Veranstaltung “Verträglichkeit von Biomaterialien am Menschen”
Biomaterialien; Interdisciplinary Journal of Functional Materials, Biomechanics, and Tissue Engeneering. 10 Jahrgang, Heft 1/2, Juni 2009, p 67-68.
Urcan Ebru, Haertel Ursula, Styllou Marianthi, Hickel Reinhard, Scherthan Harry, Franz-Xaver Reichl (2009)
Real-time xCelligence impedance analysis of the cytotoxicity of dental composite components on human gingival fibroblasts
Dental Materials, doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2009.08.007
Seiss M, Track N, Hickel R, Reichl FX (2009)
In vitro stability of methylmethacrylic acid, TEGDMA and HEMA exposed to esterases
Dental Materials, 25(8): 1044-1049
Seiss M, Oxynos A, Hickel R, Reichl FX. (2009)
Development and application of a simplified sample preparation method for determination of TEGDMA and related metabolites.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B – Applied Biomaterials. 91(1):452-458
Seiss Mario, Langer Christopher, Hickel Reinhard, Reichl Franz-Xaver (2009)
Quantitative determination of TEGDMA, BHT, and DMABEE in eluates from polymerized resin-based dental restorative materials by use of GC/MS.
Arch Toxicol, 83(12): 1109-1113
Urcan Ebru, Scherthan Harry, Styllou Marianthi, Haertel Uschi, Hickel Reinhard, Reichl Franz-Xaver.
The induction of DNA double-strand breaks in primary gingival fibroblasts by exposure to dental resin composites.
Biomaterials (IP 6,646 Juni 2009)
[Epub ahead of print; doi: 10.1016j.biomaterials2009.11.065]
Urcan E, Scherthan H, Styllou M, Haertel U, Hickel R, Reichl FX. (2009)
Induction of DNA double-strand breaks in primary gingival fibroblasts by exposure to dental resin composites.
Biomaterials 2010;31:2010-4.
DurnerJ., Spahl W., Zaspel J., Schweikl H., HickelR., Reichl F.X. (2009)
Eluted substances from unpolymerized and polymerized dental restorative materials and their Nernst partition coefficient.
Dental Materials, Sep 23 [Epub ahead of print]
Durner J, Kreppel H, ZaspelJ, Schweikl H., Hickel R, Reichl FX (2009)
Metabolism of TEGDMA and HEMA in human cells.
Biomaterials, [Epub ahead of print]
Lehnert A, Reichl FX (2009)
Pupils acceptance of oral preventive measures.
The difference between secondary modern and grammar school pupils.
47th Anniversary Medicine Alternativa; World congress of Integrated Medicine: p 52-59
DurnerJ., Spahl W., Zaspel J., Schweikl H., HickelR., Reichl F.X. (2010)
Eluted substances from unpolymerized and polymerized dental restorative materials and their Nernst partition coefficient.
Dental Materials, 26(1), 91-99
Urcan Ebru, Haertel Ursula, Styllou Marianthi, Hickel Reinhard, Scherthan Harry, Franz-Xaver Reichl (2010)
Real-time xCelligence impedance analysis of the cytotoxicity of dental composite components on human gingival fibroblasts.
Dental Materials, 26(1):51-58
Durner J, Kreppel H, ZaspelJ, Schweikl H., Hickel R, Reichl FX (2010)
Metabolism of TEGDMA and HEMA in human cells.
Biomaterials, 31, 818-823
Durner J., Glasl B., Zaspel J., Kunzelmann K.H., Hickel R., Reichl, F.X. (2010)
Release of TEGDMA from composite during the chewing situation.
Dental Materials, in press [Epub Mai 2010]
Durner J, Glasl B, Zaspel J, Kunzelmann KH, Hickel R, Reichl FX (2010)
Release of TEGDMA from composite during the chewing situation.
Dental Materials 2010;26:e197-204.
Reichl Franz X., Seiss Mario, Buters Jeroen T.M., Behrendt Heidrun, Hickel Reinhard, Jürgen Durner (2010)
Expression of CYP450-2E1 and formation of 2,3-epoxymethacrylic acid (2,3-EMA) in human oral cells exposed to dental materials
Dent Mat 2010, DOI information: 10.1016/j.dental.2010.08.005. Full bibliographic details is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2010.08.005
Reichl Franz X., Seiss Mario, Buters Jeroen T.M., Behrendt Heidrun, Hickel Reinhard, Jürgen Durner (2010)
Expression of CYP450-2E1 and formation of 2,3-epoxymethacrylic acid (2,3-EMA) in human oral cells exposed to dental materials
Dental Materials 26, pp. 1151-1156
Lehnert A, Reichl FX (2010)
Präventive Mundpflege bei Schülern
Dental Praxis, Verlag Neuer Merkur, München, XXVII, 3/2010, p 1-11
Krifka Stephanie, Petzel Christine, Hiller Karl-Anton, Frank Eva-Maria, Bosl Claudia, Spagnuolo Gianrico, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Schmalz Gottfried, Schweikl Helmut (2010)
Resin monomer-induced differential activation of MAP kinases and apoptosis in mouse macrophages and human pulp cells
Biomaterials (IP 6,646) [Epub ahead of print; doi: 10.1016j.biomaterials2010.11.065]
Krifka Stephanie, Petzel Christine, Hiller Karl-Anton, Frank Eva-Maria, Bosl Claudia, Spagnuolo Gianrico, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Schmalz Gottfried, Schweikl Helmut (2010)
Resin monomer-induced differential activation of MAP kinases and apoptosis in mouse macrophages and human pulp cells. Biomaterials, 31(11), 2964-2975 (IP 6,646)
Durner J, Debiak M, Bürkle A, Hickel R, Reichl FX (2010)
Induction of DNA strand breaks by dental composite components compared to X-ray exposure in human gingival fibroblasts.
Archives of Toxicology, [Epub Feb 2010]
Durner J, Debiak M, Bürkle A, Hickel R, Reichl FX (2011)
Induction of DNA-strand breaks by dental composite components compared to X-ray exposure in human gingival fibroblasts.
Archives of Toxicology, 85(2), 143-148
Jürgen Durner, Marija Stojanovic, Ebru Urcan, Reinhard Hickel, Franx-Xaver Reichl (2011)
Influence of silver nano-particles on monomer elution from light-cured composites.
Dental Materials, 27, 631-636
Jürgen Durner, Marija Stojanovic, Ebru Urcan, Werner Spahl, Ursula Haertel, Reinhard Hickel, Franx-Xaver Reichl (2011)
Effect of hydrogen peroxide on the three-dimensional polymer network in composites.
Dental Materials, [Epub März 2011].
Jürgen Durner, Marija Stojanovic, Ebru Urcan, Werner Spahl, Ursula Haertel, Reinhard Hickel, Franx-Xaver Reichl (2011)
Effect of hydrogen peroxide on the three-dimensional polymer network in composites.
Dental Materials, 27(6), 573-580
Reichl FX
Zur Toxikologie und Allergologie von Zahnkunststoff-Materialien.
ZMK, 27 . Jahrgang, Ausgabe 7-8, Juli/August 2011, p 466-472; Spitta Verlag, Balingen.
Reichl FX
Zur Toxikologie von Amalgam
Quintessenz 2011; 62(1): 23-24
Reichl FX
Zur Toxikologie der Komposite
Quintessenz 2011; 62(2): 189-190
Reichl FX
Zur Toxikologie der Zemente
Quintessenz 2011; 62(3): 317-319
Reichl FX
Biokompatibilität und Auswahl des verträglichsten Restaurationswerkstoffs
Quintessenz 2011; 62(4): 457-459
Reichl FX
Toxikologie und Biokompatibilität von Dentalkeramiken
Quintessenz 2011; 62(6): 739-740
Reichl FX
Toxikologie der Wurzelkanalfüllmaterialien
Quintessenz 2011; 62(7): 885-887
Reichl FX
Toxikologie der Dentallegierungen
Quintessenz 2011; 62(8): 1007-1010
Reichl FX
Toxikologie von Prothesenmaterialien
Quintessenz 2011; 62(9): 1205-1208
Reichl FX
Toxikologie von Abform- und Nahtmaterialien sowie Parodontalverbände
Quintessenz 2011; 62(11): 1431-1432
Reichl FX
Toxikologie der Desinfektionsmaterialien
Quintessenz 2011; 62(12): 1653-1455
Reichl FX
Toxikologie des Zähnebleichens
Quintessenz 2012; 63(1): 19-20
Reichl FX
Quintessenz 2012; 63(3): 293-294
Reichl FX
Zahnärztliche Abfallstoffe und Umwelt
Quintessenz 2012; 63(7): 871-872
Reichl FX
Gesetze und Verordnungen
Quintessenz 2012; 63(8): 999-1001
Reichl FX
Allergien durch zahnärztliche Werkstoffe
Quintessenz 2012; 63(10): 1269-1271
Reichl FX
Toxikologie von Fissurenversiegeler
Quintessenz 2012; 63(11): 1393-1395
M. Shehata, J. Durner, D. Thiessen, M. Shirin, S. Lottner, K. Van Landuyt, S. Furche, R. Hickel, F.X. Reichl (2012)
Induction of DNA double-strand breaks by monochlorophenol isomers and ChKM in human gingival fibroblasts
Arch Toxicol, 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s0020-012–0861-z Epub 2012 May
M. Shehata, J. Durner, D. Thiessen, M. Shirin, S. Lottner, K. Van Landuyt, S. Furche, R. Hickel, F.X. Reichl (2012)
Induction of DNA double-strand breaks by monochlorophenol isomers and ChKM in human gingival fibroblasts
Arch Toxicol, 86(9): 1423-1429
Stephanie Krifka, Karl-Anton Hiller, Carola Bolay, Christine Petzel, Gianrico Spagnuolo, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Gottfried Schmalz, Helmut Schweikl (2012)
Function of MAPK and downstream transcription factors in monomer-induced Apoptosis. Biomaterials (33), 740-750
Kirsten L. Van Landuyt, PhD, DDS; Benjamin Geebelen, PhD, MSc; Mostafa Shehata, DDS; Silja L. Furche, DDS; Jürgen Durner, PhD, MD, MSc; Bart Van Meerbeek, PhD, DDS; Reinhard Hickel, PhD, DDS; Franz X. Reichl, PhD, MSc (2012)
No Evidence for DNA double-strand breaks caused by endodontic sealers
J Endod, 2012, Doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2011.12.037. Epub 2012 (IF = 3,2)
Kirsten L. Van Landuyt, PhD, DDS; Benjamin Geebelen, PhD, MSc; Mostafa Shehata, DDS; Silja L. Furche, DDS; Jürgen Durner, PhD, MD, MSc; Bart Van Meerbeek, PhD, DDS; Reinhard Hickel, PhD, DDS; Franz X. Reichl, PhD, MSc (2012)
No Evidence for DNA double-strand breaks caused by endodontic sealers
J Endod, 2012; 38(5): 636-641 (IF = 3,2)
Reichl FX (2012)
Toxikologie von Zahnkunststoff-Materialien – was darf ich verwenden?
Dental Tribune; International Science; German Edition 3/2012; 07. März 2012; p. 4-7.
J. Durner, P. Wellner, R. Hickel, FX. Reichl (2012)
Synergistic interaction caused to human gingival fibroblasts from dental materials.
Dental Materials, 28(8): 818-823
Reichl FX, Löhle J, Seiss M, Furche S, Shehata MM, Hickel R, Müller M, Dränert M, Durner J. (2012)
Elution of TEGDMA and HEMA from polymerized resin-based bonding systems
Reinhard Hickel, Michael Müller, Miriam Dränert, Jürgen Durner
Dental Materials doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2012.06.010. Epub 2012 Sep 18.
Reichl FX, Löhle J, Seiss M, Furche S, Shehata MM, Hickel R, Müller M, Dränert M, Durner J. (2012)
Elution of TEGDMA and HEMA from polymerized resin-based bonding systems
Reinhard Hickel, Michael Müller, Miriam Dränert, Jürgen Durner
Dental Materials 28(11): 1120-1125
Wellner P, Mayer W, Hickel R, Reichl FX, J. Durner J (2012)
Cytokine release from human lymphocytes exposed to silorane- and
methacrylate-based dental materials.
Dental Materials, 28(7): 743-748
doi: 10.1016/j.dental201203.009. Epub 2012 Apr 4.
Reichl FX
Notfalltherapie in der zahnärztlichen Praxis
Quintessenz 2013; 64(2): 155-157
Reichl FX
Toxikologie der Fluoride
Quintessenz 2013; 64(3): 291-293
Reichl FX
Toxikologie von NanoPartikel in der Zahnmedizin
Quintessenz 2013; 64(4): 423-427
Shehata M, Durner J., Eldenez A, Van Landuyt K, Styllou P., Rothmund L, Hickel R, Scherthan H, Geurtsen W, Kaina B, Carell T, Reichl FX
Cytotoxicity and induction of DNA double-strand breaks by components leached from composites in primary human gingival fibroblasts.Dental Materials, http://authors.elsevier.com/sd/article/S0109564113001693
Shehata M, Durner J., Eldenez A, Van Landuyt K, Styllou P., Rothmund L, Hickel R, Scherthan H, Geurtsen W, Kaina B, Carell T, Reichl FX
Cytotoxicity and induction of DNA double-strand breaks by components leached
from dental composites in primary human gingival fibroblasts.
Dental Materials, 29(9): 971-979
Lottner S, Shehata M, Hickel R, Reichl FX, Durner J
Effects of antioxidants on DNA-double strand breaks in human gingival fibroblast exposed to methacrylate based monomers.
Dental Materials, 29(9): 991-998
Furche S, Hickel R, Reichl FX, van Landuyt K, Shehata M, Durner J
Quantification of elutable substances from methacrylate based sealers and their cytotoxicity with human gingival fibroblasts. Dent Mater. 2013;29(6): 61825
(Impact (2012)=3.773, Typ=Journal Article)
Reichl FX
Zur Toxikologie der Komposite
Quintessenz Zahntechnik 2013, 39(5): 703-704
Reichl FX
Zur Toxikologie der Zemente
Quintessenz Zahntechnik 2013, 39(6): 861-863
Reichl FX
Biokompatibilität und Auswahl des verträglichsten Restaurationswerkstffs.
Quintessenz Zahntechnik 2013, 39(7): 967-968
Reichl FX
Toxikologie und Biokompatibilität von Dentalkeramiken.
Quintessenz Zahntechnik 2013, 39(9): 1299-1300
Reichl FX
Toxikologie der Dentallegierungen.
Quintessenz Zahntechnik 2013, 39(10): 1444-1446
Reichl FX
Toxikologie von Prothesenmaterialien.
Quintessenz Zahntechnik 2013, 39(12): 1750-1752
Reichl FX
Toxikologie von Abform- und Nahtmaterialien sowie Parodontalverbänden
Quintessenz Zahntechnik 2014, 40(02): 215-217
Reichl FX
Toxikologie der Desinfektionsmittel.
Quintessenz Zahntechnik 2014, 40(01): 97-98
Reichl FX
No Touch Technik.
Quintessenz Zahntechnik 2014, 40(03): 341-342
Reichl FX
Komposite auf dem Prüfstand.
Dental Tribune, Swiss Edition, Nr. 12/Dez/2014, p 22
Marija Sevkusic, Lena Schuster, Lena Rothmund, Katharina Dettinger, Moritz Maier, Reinhard Hickel, Kirsten L. Van Landhuyt, Jürgen Durner, Christof Högg, Franz-Xaver Reichl
The elution and breakdown behaviour of constituents from various light-cured composites
Dental Materials, epub, DOI: 10.1016j.dental.2014.02.022
Marija Sevkusic, Lena Schuster, Lena Rothmund, Katharina Dettinger, Moritz Maier, Reinhard Hickel, Kirsten L. Van Landhuyt, Jürgen Durner, Christof Högg, Franz-Xaver Reichl
The elution and breakdown behaviour of constituents from various light-cured composites
Dental Materials, 30(6): 619-631
Albrecht Lahme, Iris Eibl, Franz-Xaver Reichl
Typical Musculoskeletal Patterns in Upper String Players with Neck and Arm Problems.
Medical Problems of Performing Artists, Vol.29, No. 4, 241-246 (2014)
He X, Hartlieb E, Rothmund L, Waschke J, Wu X, Van Landuyt KL, Milz S, Michalke B, Hickel R, Reichl FX, Högg C (2015)
Intracellular uptake and toxicity of three different Titanium particles.
Dent Mater. 2015 Jun;31(6):734-44. doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2015.03.017. Epub 2015 Apr 21.
Schuster L, Rothmund L, He X, Van Landuyt KL, Schweikl H, Hellwig E, Carell T, Hickel R, Reichl FX, Högg C (2015)
Effect of Opalescence(®) bleaching gels on the elution of dental composite components. Dent Mater. 2015 Jun;31(6):745-57. doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2015.03.016. Epub 2015 Apr 18.
Rothmund L, Shehata M, Van Landuyt KL, Schweikl H, Carell T, Geurtsen W, Hellwig E, Hickel R, Reichl FX, Högg C (2015)
Release and protein binding of components from resin based composites in native saliva and other extraction media.
Dent Mater. 2015 May;31(5):496-504. doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2015.01.016. Epub 2015 Feb 24.
Simon Daniel Schulz, Christopher Rüppell, Pascal Tomakidi, Thorsten Steinberg, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Elmar Hellwig, Olga Polydorou (2015)
Gene expression analysis of conventional andinteractive human gingival cell systems exposed todental composites.
Dent Mater. 2015 Sep 4. pii: S0109-5641(15)00371-1. doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2015.08.157.
Simon Daniel Schulz, Christopher Rüppell, Pascal Tomakidi, Thorsten Steinberg, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Elmar Hellwig, Olga Polydorou (2015)
Gene expression analysis of conventional andinteractive human gingival cell systems exposed todental composites.
Dent Mater. 2015 Nov 31(11): 1321-1334
Marianthi Styllou, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Panorea Styllou, Ebru Urcan, Lena Rothmund, Reinhard Hickel,Christof Högg, Harry Scherthan (2015).
Dental composite components induce DNA-damage and altered nuclear morphology in gingiva fibroblasts. Dental Materials. Epub: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2015.08.156
Marianthi Styllou, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Panorea Styllou, Ebru Urcan, Lena Rothmund, Reinhard Hickel,Christof Högg, Harry Scherthan (2015)
Dental composite components induce DNA-damage and altered nuclear morphology in gingiva fibroblasts. Dental Materials, 31(11), 1335-1344
Eldeniz AU, Shehata M, Högg C, Reichl FX (2015)
DNA double-strand breaks caused by new and contemporary endodontic sealers
International Endodontic Journal, 49(12): 1141-1151. Doi: 10.1111/iej.12577
Stevan Cokic, Peter Hoet, Lode Godderis, Martin Wiemann, Christof Asbach, Franz X Reichl, Jan De Munck,; Bart Van Meerbeek, Kirsten Van Landuyt (2016)
Cytotoxic effects of composite dust on human bronchial epithelial cells. Dental Materials, 32(12):1482-1491. Doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2016.09.010
Schuster L, Reichl FX, Rothmund L, He X, Yang Y, Van Landuyt KL, Kehe K, Schweikl Polydorou O, Hickel R, Högg C (2016)
Effect of Opalescence® bleaching gels on the elution of bulk-fill composite components
Dent Mater. 32(2):127-135. Doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2015.11.033
He H, Reichl FX, Wang Y, Michalke B, Milz S, Yang Y; Stolper P, Lindemaier G, Graw M, Hickel R, Högg C (2016)
Analysis of titanium and other metals in human jawbones with dental implants – A case study
Dental Materials, 32(8): 1042-1051. Doi 10.1016/j.dental.2016.05.012
Reichl, FX (2016)
Toxicologie et allergologie des matériaux dentaires plastiques
Le Fil Dentaire; 119, Sept. 2016 p.38
Christof Högg, Moritz Maier, Katherina Dettinger-Maier, Xiuli He, Lena Rothmund, Kai Kehe, Reinhard Hickel; Franz-Xaver Reichl (2016)
Effect of various light-curing times on the elution of composite components
Clin. Oral Investigation, 20(8):2113-2121
Reichl FX (2016)
Zahnärztliche Mitteilungen, ZM; 24: 34-37
Lena Rothmund, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Reinhard Hickel, Panorea Styllou, Marianthi Styllou, Kai Kehe, Yang Yang, Christof Högg (2016)
Effect of layer thickness on the elution of (co)monomers from bulk fill composites Dental Materials, pii: S0109-5641(16)30575-9. Doi: 10.1016/jdental.2016.10.006
Van Landuyt KL, Cokic SM, Asbach C, Hoet P, Godderis L, Reichl FX, Van Meerbeek B, Vennemann A, Wiemann M. (2016)
Interaction of rat alveolar macrophages with dental composite dust.
Part Fibre Toxicol. 2016 Nov 26;13(1):62. doi: 10.1186/s12989-016-0174-0
StyllouPanorea, Styllou Marianthi, Hickel Reinhard, Högg Christof, Reichl Franz Xaver, Scherthan Harry (2017)
NAC ameliorates dental composite-induced DNA double-strand breaks and chromatin condensation.
Dental Materials Journal; 36(5): 638-646
Yang Yang, He Xiuli, Shi Jianwei, Hickel Reinhard, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Hoegg Christof (2017)
Effects of antioxidants on DNA double-strand breaks in human gingival fibroblasts exposed to dental resin co-monomer epoxy metabolites. Dental Materials, 2017; 33(4): 418-426
Laiteerapong Arunee, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Yang Yang, Hickel Reinhard, Högg Christof (2017)
Induction of DNA double-strand breaks in human gingival fibroblasts by eluates from titanium dioxide modified glass ionomer cements. Dental Materials, pii: S0109-5641(17)30541-9. doi: 10.1016/j.dental 2017.11.011.
Deviot Marc, Lachaise Isabelle, Högg Christof, Durner Jürgen, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Attal Jean-Pierre, Dursun Elisabeth (2017)
Bisphenol A release from an orthodontic resin composite: A GC/MS and LC/MS study. Dental Materials, pii: S0109-6641(17)31243-5. Doi: 10.1016j.dental2017. 11.016
Yang Yang, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Shi Jianwei, He Xiuli, Hickel Reinhard, Högg Christof (2017)
Cytotoxicity and DNA double-strand breaks in human ginagival fibroblasts exposed to eluates of dental composites. Dental Materials, pii S0109-5641(17)30463-3. doi: 10.1016j.dental.2017.10001.
Rothmund Lena, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Hickel Reinhard, Styllou Panorea, Styllou Marianthi, Kehe Kai, Yang Yang, Högg Christof (2017)
Effect of layer thickness on the elution of (co)monomers from bulk-fill composites. Styllou, Kai Kehe, Yang Yang, Christof Högg,
Dental Materials, 33(1):54-62
Schmalz Gottfried, Hickel Reinhard, van Landuyt Kersten, Reichl Franz-Xaver (2017)
Nanoparticles in dentistry. Dental Materials, 33(11): 1298-1314 review article
Reichl FX, Holdt LM, Teupser D, Schütze G, Metcalfe AJ, Hickel R, Högg C, Bloch W. (2017)
Comprehensive Analytics of Actovegin® and Its Effect on Muscle Cells. Int J Sports Med. 38(11):809-818.
Leitlinie Komposite: Hickel, Fedderlin, Reichl et al. (2017)
Kurzversion und Langversion sind bei der AWMF hinterlegt und abrufbar unter dem Link http://www.awmf.org/leitlinien/detail/ll/083-028.html. Frau Dr. Auras hat die Veröffentlichung der Langversion in der Deutschen Zahnärztlichen Zeitschrift veranlasst. Die ZM werden die Kurzversion veröffentlichen mit Bildmaterial.
Federlin M, Blunck U, Frankenberger R, Knüttel H, Reichl FX, Schweikl H, Staehle HJ, Hickel R (2017)
Kompositrestaurationen im Seitenzahnbereich. S1-Handlungsempfehlung (Langversion). AWMF-Regiestrierungsnummer: 083-028; Stand Oktober 2016; gültig bis Oktober 2021; Federführende Gesellschaften/Organisatione Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahnerhaltung (DGZ) und Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zahn,- Mund- und Kieferheilkunde (DGZMK).
Kühnisch Jan, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Heinrich-Weltzien Roswitha, Hickel Reinhard (2017)
S3-Leitlinie „Fissuren- und Grübchenversiegelung“.
Der junge Zahnarzt. Springer Medizin, Heidelberg
Reichl FX (2017)
Zahnfüllungsmaterialien. In: Umweltmedizin: Neue Erkenntnise aus Wissenschaft und Praxis. Hrsg: Schmitz-Spanke S, Nesseler T., Letzel S., Nowak D.
DGAUM Band; Ecomed-Medizin, p. 278-295
Deviot Marc, Lachaise Isabelle, Högg Christof, Durner Jürgen, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Attal Jean-Pierre, Dursun Elisabeth (2018)
Bisphenol A release from an orthodontic resin composite: A GC/MS and LC/MS study. Dental Materials 2018, 34:341-354
Oppel Eva, Högg Christof, Summer Burkhard, Rueff Franziska, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Kamann Stefanie (2018)
Isobornyl acrylate contained in the insulin patch pump OmniPod® as the cause of a severe allergic contact dermatitis.
Contact Dermatitis, https://doi.org/10.1111/cod.13017
Franz-Xaver Reichl
Zahnmaterialien – Forschung, Dentaltoxikologie, Biokompatibilität und Verträglichkeit.
ZAEN-Magazin, 10. Jahrgang 2/2018, pp 21-27
Gottfried Schmalz, Reinhard Hickel, Kirsten L. van Landuyt and Franz-Xaver Reichl Scientific update on nanoparticles in dentistry (2018)
International Dental Journal. Doi: 10.1111/idj.12394
Sebastian Breul, Kirsten L. Van Landuyt, Franz X. Reichl, Christof Högg, Peter Hoet, Lode Godderis, Bart Van Meerbeek, Stevan M. Cokic (2019)
Clinical Oral Investigations
Franz-Xaver Reichl, Christof Högg, Daniel Teupser, Reinhard Hickel, Wilhelm Bloch, Helmut Schweikl, Peter Thomas, Burkhard Summer (2019)
Actovegin® can reduce PMA-induced inflammation on human cells. Int J Sports Med
Arunee Laiteerapong, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Reinhard Hickel, Christof Högg (2019)
Effect of eluates from zirconia-modified glass ionomer cements on DNA double-stranded break on human gingival fibroblast cells.
Dental Materials
Richard Heym, Till G. Hennessen, Vinay Pitchika, Burkhard Summer, Christina Ern, Peter Thomas, Reinhard Hickel, Franz-Xaver Reichl (2019)
The influence of smoking on the clinical appearance and IL-8 levels in gingival sulcus fluid of smokers and non-smokers with periodontal disease-a prospective study.
Journal of Periodontology
Heintze Siegward D., Reichl Franz-Xaver, Hickel Reinhard (2019)
Wear of dental materials: Clinical significance and laboratory wear simulation methods – A review. Quintessence International
Xiuli He, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Stefan Milz, Bernhard Michalke, Xiao Wu, Christoph M Sprecher, Yang Yang, Michael Gahlert, Stefan Röhling, Heinz Kniha, Christof Hoegg (2019)
Titanium and zirconium release from titanium- and zirconia implants in mini pig maxillae and their toxicity in vitro. Dental Materials
Yang Y, Reichl FX, Ilie N, Shi J, Dhein J, Hickel R Hoegg C (2019)
Antioxidants as a novel composite component: Effect on composite elution and degree of conversion.
Dental Materials
Dhein J, Reichl FX, Forndran C, Hickel R, Högg C (2019)
Cytotoxicity and Genotoxity of Titaniumdioxyd-Nanoparticles, cellular uptake of Zirkonia- and Titaniumdioxyd-micro/nanoparticles. Bacteria growth on dental implants.
Dental Materials
Oppel E, Reichl FX, Kehe K, Steinritz. Kamann S, Summer B, Högg C (2019)
Isobornyl acrylate contained in blood sugar sensors causes allergic contact dermatitis.
Contact Dermatitis
He X, Reichl FX, Milz S, Michalke B, Wu X, Sprecher CM, Yang Y, Gahlert M, Roehling S, Kniha H, Hickel R, Högg C (2020)
Titanium and zirconium release from titanium- and zirconia implants in mini pig maxillae and their toxicity in vitro.Dental Materials 2020; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2020.01.013 (IF = 4,44).
He X, Reichl FX, Milz S, Michalke B, Wu X, Sprecher CM, Yang Y, Gahlert M, Roehling S, Kniha H, Hickel R, Högg C (2020)
Titanium and zirconium release from titanium- and zirconia implants in mini pig maxillae and their toxicity in vitro.Dental Materials, 2020; 36: 402-412 (IF = 4,44).
Sebastian Breul, Kirsten L. Van Landuyt, Franz X. Reichl, Christof Högg, Peter Hoet, Lode Godderis, Bart Van Meerbeek, Stevan M. Cokic (2020).
Filtration efficiency of surgical and FFP3 masks against composite dust.
European Journal of Oral Sciences, DOI: 10.1111/eos.12697; 00: 1-8 (EOS-10726-OA-19.R3)(IF = 1,8)
Reichl Franz-Xaver, Högg Christof, Li Fang Fang, Schwarz Markus, Teupser Daniel, Hickel Reinhard, Bloch Wilhelm, Schweikl Helmut, Thomas Peter, Summer Burkhard.
Actovegin® reduced PMA-induced inflammation on human cells.
European Journal of Applied Physiology, accepted 17.05.2020 DOI: 10.1007/s00421-020-04398-2 (IF = 3,06)
Oppel Eva, Kamann Stefanie, Heinemann Lutz, Klein Anna, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Högg Christof
Freestyle Libre® 2: The new isobornyl acrylate free generation.
Contact Dermatitis (IF = 5,504), submitted am 25.05.2020. accepted am 14.06.2020 Manuscript ID is COD-OM-05-20-2690.
Kessler Andreas, Folwaczny Matthias, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Högg Christof
Monomer release from surgical guide resins manufactured with different 3D printing devices (2020)
Dental Materials, 2020 Sep 21; S0109-5641(20)30242-6.
doi: 10.1016/j.dental.2020.09.002. (IF = 4.44)
Sprecher CM, He X, Reichl FX, Milz S, Michalke B, Wu X, , Yang Y, Gahlert M, Roehling S, Kniha H, Hickel R, Högg C (2020)
Short term release of titanium and zirconium in mini pigporcine maxillae from with titanium-implants and zirconia implants.
Abstract; Meet the expert; Implants Conference in Biel (CH); poster accepted 10.01.2020
Rolf Nieder, Dinesh K. Benbi and Franz X. Reichl (2020)
Reactive nitrogen compounds and their influence on human health.
Abstract Proceedings, 8th Global Nitrogen Conference, INI 2020, Berlin, accepted 04.02.2020
Högg Christof, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Ilie Nicoleta, Dhein Julia, Liu Fangfang, Hickel Reinhard, Volk Joachim, Geurtsen Werner, Yang Yang.
Einfluss von Antioxidantien auf die Freisetzung von (Ko)Monomeren und Additiven im Komposit Clearfil AP-X® Art des Beitrags / Konferenztrack: 4. Gemeinschaftstagung der DGZ und der DGET mit der DGPZM und der DGR²Z| 26. – 28.11.2020 | Dresden: HAUPTKONGRESS am 27./28.11.2020 Format: Poster 2926
Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift (DZZ) 75. Jahrgang, Book of Abstracts: D4, D15
Frasheri Iris, Heym Richard, Ern Christina, Summer Burkhard, Hennessen Till G., Högg Christof, Reichl Franz-X., Folwyczny Matthias (2021)
Salivary and gingival CXCL8 correlation with periodontal status, periodontal pathogens, and smoking.
Oral Diseases, DOI 10.1111/odi.13994 (IF = 3.511)
Lennart Wedekind, Jan-Frederik Güth, Josef Schweiger, Maximilian Kollmuss, Franz-Xaver Reichl, Daniel Edelhoff, Christof Högg (2021)
Elution behavior of a 3D-printed, milled and conventional resin-based occlusal splint material.
Dental Materials, 2021; 37: 701-710 2021 (IF = 4,44)
Reichl Franz-Xaver, Högg Christof, Liu Fangfang, Schwarz Markus, Teupser Daniel, Hickel Reinhard, Bloch Wilhelm, Schweikl Helmut, Thomas Peter, Summer Burkhard (2021)
Correction to: Actovegin® reduced PMA-induced inflammation on human cells.
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 2021, Oct 15th. DOI: 10.1007/s00421-021-04824-z. (IF = 3,06).
Liu Fangfang, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Kühnisch Jan, Milz Stefan Schmitz Christoph. Geist Juergen, Högg Christof, Wölfle Uta Christine, Sternecker Katharina (2021)
Bisphenol-A disturbs bio-mineralization in mussels: Potential implications for molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH)CED-IADR/NOF Oral Health Research Hybrid Congress, September 16-18, 2021, Brussels, Belgium; Abstract control ID: 3597539; 2021 Leuven
Dhein Julia, Reichl FX, Forndran Cornelia, Hickel Reinhard, Fang Fang Liu, Högg C. (2022)
Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity of Titaniumdioxid-nanoparticles, cellular uptake of Zirconia- and Titaniumdioxid-micro-/nanoparticles, bacteria growth on dental implants
Dental Materials, (IF = 5,304), 2022; 38:517-28.
Oppel Eva, Högg Christof, Klein A, Summer Burkhard, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Kamann Stefanie (2022)
Contact allergy to the Dexcom G6 glucose monitoring system –role of 2,2`-methylenbis(6-tert-butyl-4-methylphenol) monoacrylate in the new adhesive.Contact Dermatitis, 2022; 87:258-64 (IF = 5,504)
Liu Fangfang, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Milz Stefan, Wölfle Uta Christine, Kühnisch Jan, Schmitz Christoph, Geist Jürgen, Hickel Reinhard, Högg Christof, Sternecker Katharina (2022)Disrupted biomineralization in zebra mussels after exposure to bisphenol-A: potential implications for molar-incisor hypomineralization.
Dental Materials, (IF = 5,304), 2022; 38:689-99.
Reichl FX (2022)
Inlays: Zahntechniker fertigen individuelle Zahnfüllungen.ProDente, Initiative proDente e.V. – FaktenKöln, 2022
Reichl FX (2022)
Zahnfüllungen: Welches Material ist das richtige? Prodente, Initiative proDente e.V. – FaktenProDente, Köln, 2022
Frasheri Iris, Heym Richard, Ern Christina, Summer Burkhard, Hennessen Till G., Högg Christof, Reichl Franz-X., Folwyczny Matthias (2022)
Salivary and gingival CXCL8 correlation with periodontal status, periodontal pathogens, and smoking.
Oral Diseases, 2022; 28:2267-2276 (IF = 3.511)
Reichl FX, Hogg C, Liu F, Schwarz M, Teupser D, Hickel R, Bloch W, Schweikl H, Thomas P, Summer B.
Correction to: Actovegin(R) reduces PMA-induced inflammation on human cells. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2022; 122: 267.
Liu F., Reichl FX., Milz S., Wölfle U.C., Kühnisch J., Schmitz C., Geist J., Hickel R., Högg C., Sternecker K. (2022)
Bisphenol-A disturbs biomineralization in Mussels: Potential Implications for Molar-incisor Hypomineralization.AMIT Kongress MIH München; Book of Abstracts, nr. 17. Postersession Nov. 2022
Reichl Franz‐Xaver, Högg Christof, Liu Fangfang, Schwarz Markus, Teupser Daniel, Hickel Reinhard, Bloch Wilhelm, Schweikl Helmut, Thomas Peter, Summer Burkhard (2022)Effect of Actovegin® Versus Cortisone on PMA‐Induced Inflammation on Human Cells. Journal of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine (Fortune Journals), 2022, Vol. 4, Issue 4. P 317-326; DOI: 10.26502/josm.511500069 (IF = 3,667)
Wuersching Sabina Noreen, Högg Christof, Kohl Lisa, Reichl Franz-Xaver, Hickel Reinhard, Kollmuss Maximilian. (2023)
Leaching components and initial biocompatibility of novel bioactive restorative materials Dental Materials, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dental.2023.01.008 (IF = 5,304)